Monday 27 July 2015

Microflow Task: Updating the Homepage.

Work continues on Microflow. There has not been much visible change, as we have been busy researching how to integrate communication hubs and attain charity status, with some surprisingly positive results: It only costs a few hundred to one thousand dollars to get registered as a charity in the UK. Then donors can write off donations against tax. This is a potentially huge game-changer, as it means that it plugs us in to a hundred billion dollar economy. 

Here are some charity statistics:

  • Americans gave $358.38 billion in 2014. This reflects a 7.1% increase from 2013.2

  • Corporate giving in 2014 increased to $17.77 billion - a 13.7% increase from 2013.2

  • Foundation giving in 2014 increased to $53.7 billion - an 8.2% increase from 2013.2 

  • In 2014, the largest source of charitable giving came from individuals at $258.51 billion, or 72% of total giving; followed by foundations ($53.97 billion/15%), bequests ($28.13 billion/8%), and corporations ($17.77 billion/5%).2

Now here are some 'Uncle Intel' statistics:

  • BRICS gave 0 in 2015. This reflects a 0% increase from 2013.2

  • AIIB giving in 2015 increased to $0 billion - a 0% increase from 2013.2

  • St Germain Foundation giving in 2015 increased to $0 billion - an 0% increase from 2013.2 

  • The Dragon families disbursed 0 billion dollars in 2015. 

Everyday that the "in the know" financial scene passes around the latest fandango intel from their "connected sources", 2 million dollars flows through the crowdfunding community. Nary a whisper from the big mouths. 


Costs to establish a charity in the US are a little more expensive. Busy researching prices in Taiwan and Hong Kong. 

From now on I will be putting Microflow updates/tasks on this blog. That means web savvy people can log on here and help with a html task if they want. 

Help Improve The MicroFlow Homepage!

The Microflow homepage looks amateurish, if you have any ideas to improve it, please let me know.  I can add you as an admin, and then when you had 10-15 minutes spare, maybe you can help. 

I would like it to look minimal and classy...

After we get the blog looking good, we'll move it across to

Any thoughts about charity status, please write them in the comments. The legal aspect is a tedious minefield that takes a lot of reading. I am getting my head around the difference between a public charity, a private foundation, and a private non-operating foundation. They all have various benefits and drawbacks. 

I really need to know what is the quickest way to start in the US. 

Any ideas, please write to or post them in the comments. 



  1. Ok my understanding of the Dragon Family is they have only one task and that task is to checkmate the cabal. According to Rm sources such as Cobra! The vast majority of of people claiming to be Dragons are fake as you undoubtedly know! From what I understand the dragons won 't be releasing any funds because another group will be playing custodian montitored by a sort of galactic watchdog. As to whom that group is cannot be said right now for obvious reasons. Btw the Dragon Family doesn't have the gold!

    1. I think you're right Tim. Those funds do exist, but we need to act as if they don't and get on with what we've got. It could be years til any money is released. The Dragon family exists, but none of the current claimants are valid. Yes, everything must remain secret...


  2. Btw If your looking to start a foundation the U.S. isn't the place its rather exspensive! There are to many bureaucratic hoops to jump through but thats up to you. Maybe try using if your that persistant
    on starting a foundation they should be able to help you :)

    1. Thanks. All info helps... I have many tasks right now, so any legal info aggregation sites are useful.


  4. Thanks Tim, I picked a MidWest state, at random, and the fees came to about 500USD in total. Not so bad!
