Tuesday 4 August 2015

Do you want David Wilcock, Malik Hughes, Neil Keenan, Drake Bailey and Thomas Williams to control the Trillion dollar 'Collateral accounts'/Earth's Finances?

Do you want David Wilcock, Malik Hughes, Neil Keenan, Drake Bailey and Thomas Williams to control the Trillion dollar 'Collateral accounts'/Earth's Finances + Gold Reserves?

Yes, I think they are honest, and competent to do this.
No, I don't think they are honest, and competent to do this.
Not sure.


  1. I so adore performance art: https://youtu.be/KxidefcsjDc
    and SK CrowdSourSing.

  2. Thanks 3DHD. Listening now. Pure 80's.

    This version works better where I'm staying:

