Monday 3 August 2015

Smoking Gun Evidence of Cabal Interference in the Blue Avian Psy-Op.

Don't want to ruffle any feathers here, but:

It's still worth reading the Blue Avian story, because it offers us an insight as to how TPTW want(ed) to control the narrative of the next few years. It goes deeper than some guy making up lies in his bedroom. He has a point of contact with the cabal. Look at this:

Michael Salla: Q8. Which group of extraterrestrials helped the Nazi’s in their battle with Admiral Byrd in 1946/1947, and developing an off-world presence?

There was help from the Draco Federation as well as a group that the NAZI’s were led to believe were ET’s (referred to as “Arianni” or “Aryans”, sometimes called “Nordics”) but were actually an Ancient Earth Human Break Away Civilization that had developed a Space Program (referred to as “The Silver Fleet”) and created vast bases below the Himalayan Mountains (largest in Tibet and call the system Agartha) and a few other regions. The first craft they built used Mercury turbines, and electro-gravity engines were developed by the assistance of this group. Again the NAZI’s and to this day many Earth Humans who are in contact with them and others believe them to be ET’s (because of their deceptions) when they are actually very much Earth Based Humans from Ancient Break Away Civilizations. I have heavily avoided speaking in depth about the few Ancient Break Away Earth Civilizations that have Space Programs and massive bases on the Earth, the Moon and elsewhere in the Sol System and other Sol Systems. Some of them have been extremely deceptive and convinced some people that they are ET groups that are here to assist Humanity. Some people have memorized some of these stories like some people memorize religious text. The Illuminati/Cabal has had a falling out with some of them and want them exposed for what they are. I think they should do the dirty work. I am not going to cause controversy that will just be a distraction from the main Blue Avian Message of Becoming Loving, Forgiving and Focusing on Expanding your Consciousness and Vibration.

This is smoking gun evidence. From this quote you can discern 3 things.

1) GOODET has a point of contact with the Cabal/Illuminati.
2) They don't like the Agartha Network and are starting a pre-emptive smear campaign.
3) He doesn't like what they are pushing him to say.

This all comes down to the fight between the natural and the cybernetic timeline. Agartha wants to build "Lord of the Rings with Laptops." Imagine living in the Shire with smartphones. The Cabal want to build THX1138/Robocop.

We get to choose.


  1. Yep! Btw when is part four of the book coming? I can't wait for more chapter updates!
    The book was awesome.

  2. Glad you like it, Tim. Coming some time at the end of August, I hope... It takes a while to write those chapters.

  3. CP:
    I don't interpret this passage the way you are interpreting it.

    Corey has said that during his time in the Secret Space Program he had to do a whole lot of things he didn't like doing... or wasn't proud of... but he was under orders or maybe mind-controlled. (pretty awful). Probably he was under orders at that time from the Cabal/Bad Guys. Probably most of them in the SSP's were under orders from the Bad Guys. It isn't clear to me that he currently has a 'point of contact' with the Cabal.

    I don't see a smear or negative comment in here about Agartha. " the system Agartha." I don't interpret this as a smear.

    Yes, I do interpret this to mean he doesn't like what the Cabal wants him to say. The bad guys are probably manipulative and manipulate "front men" to put forward certain actions or duties...

    I have been following the Corey material and find it really interesting. But I'm more interested in the "become more loving, become more service to others, learn to forgive" kinds of messages. To me, this is what rings true... or at least, it is in harmony with how I like to think or how I like to direct my energy.

    I think he's (Corey) trying to make a positive contribution and has very good intentions.

    I haven't seen much at all in his commentary about Agartha -- it's almost as if he doesn't know anything about Agartha... In the above passage, he is simply repeating what they call one of the systems.

    I think your writings are terrific, CP... :)... by the way.

    1. Thanks Megan. We will just have to watch as the story unravels. I normally don't want to spend time calling these people out but it has just gone too far. I will also be balancing this blog by writing about a positive timeline...

      The question is: Why is he talking to the Cabal, and with who?

    2. Thanks for sharing these perspectives, while I do think it is inaccurate in relation to the full breadth of information shared by Goode, your perspective stands as a representation of what many seem to be doing. Please don't take my commentary as an attack, just want to offer my understanding, as I have reviewed a lot of his material.

      Goode is not in contact with the Cabal in the way you may think. He spent 20 years inside a Secret Space Program. He is also actively involved with the SSP Alliance, a group of humans who defected from the Cabal controlled secret space programs, and is now working to end Cabal rule on earth. He is also a delegate to the Sphere Being Alliance, a group of 5 highly evolved races who reached out to the SSP after they chose to work towards freeing humanity.

      What he said in the quote is that the Cabal doesn't like the Silver Fleet, because they deceived them into thinking they are ET's. The silver fleet, according to Goode, is an ancient breakaway civilization. The whole idea of breakaway civilizations is rather new and adds a whole other layer to the growing story. In my view, its highly plausible to contend there are such things, for look how much we have advanced under the yoke of Cabal rule, in just a few hundred years? The human race is at least 240,000 years old, and this leaves a huge amount of time for other cultures to develop very advanced technology.

      I suggest you look into his work, its extensive, and the story is on going. There's a vast amount of history as well as current events shared by Goode.

      Of course at this point we have very little direct evidence to support Goode's claims. How ever there is a great deal of indirect evidence. And while there is a growing amount of anti Corey rhetoric being shared online, there isn't anything more then speculation to support these claims either.

      In my view, keeping an open mind and recognizing how little we really know is essential to avoid 'fooling ourselves' by rejecting information.

    3. Thanks for putting your point of view across, Justin.

      As far as I'm concerned, Goode's story is full of holes and inconsistencies. I have nothing against him personally, and I think he's been pressured into doing this.

      AFAIC it's just a case of waiting for even more holes and inaccuracies to appear, until everyone walks away.

      Omnec Onec is a real contactee, IMO. Much more interesting to research her.


  4. I very strongly echo WestCoastUSMegan's comment above. I also ask you to consider how you chose your header for this info, it is in my opinion not at all an objective reflection of what is in the post itself.

  5. I also would appreciate the source (link) to the article by Dr. Salla which includes the above statement. At present we are witnessing a concerted effort to disinform especially those in the awakening community so as to pit us against each other, to divide us. Please give the reader the opportunity to read the source article first hand and to form his/her own opinion. As I remember Dr. Salla's original article, the context for that statement presents a different meaning then the one you state. Thank you! We all want the same thing: freedom for humanity!

    1. Article amended to include source, Tomas. The original interview has been taken down on Dr Salla's site.

      The question was quoted in full without any editing.

      I honestly don't believe that the Wilcock intel cabal are on our side. 10 years of high profile media "liberation", no attention paid to food, water, and humanity's basic needs. They are keeping people in a holding pattern.

      Thanks for your comments.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you, I appreciate your work!

      At the risk of boring more of the readers of this blog ;) Here is an excerpt of Cobra about the various Agarthan Networks that are known to him, negative as well as positive:

      Quote from Cobra:
      "In late Atlantean times, both Light and dark forces were openly present on the surface of the planet. When this planet was occupied by the Chimera and the Archons 26,000 years ago, all other interest groups with any significant power were forced to leave the surface and literally go underground.

      The Light forces have then built their own network of underground cities and this network was holding the Light for the planet in the last 26,000 years. In various modern intel sources, this network is called the Agartha network, the Shamballa, the underground kingdom of Light…

      The dark forces have also built their own network of underground dwellings and they have allied with Dracos and Reptilians already living in certain locations underground. They have been keeping the darkness for this planet in the last 26,000 years. Various modern sources were calling this network Shamballa, the Agartha network, the Naga kingdom, the Patala… So if anybody speaks about the Agartha network, you need to discern clearly which network they are referring to.

      Throughout the course of the last 26,000 years, many of the most advanced members of various surface civilizations have broken away from their societies and joined the underground positive Agartha network. Among them were paleolithic Gravettian shamen, Egyptian high priests, Minoan Goddess worshipers, Greek Pythagorean disciples (forming Hav-musuv breakaway society under Death Valley in California), Roman Auguri, Maya, Inca and Hopi groups, 17th century German explorers in South America, the Marconi/Fulcanelli group in the 20th century…"

      Original article:

    4. Thanks Tomas. Cobra's clarification was interesting, I read it at the time. The main question in this post is "Who is GOODET's contact in the Cabal?" it still hasn't been answered, but there are other things to focus on right now...


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't really care what Salla and Goode say there just one layer of the onion besides when Goode pursued the karma scam I knew I couldn't take it seriously lol! Personally i'm tired of the Intel plantation (yawn) so im moving on! I would rather navigate the inner planes anyway :)

    1. Well said. It's getting boring...but this has to be done.

  8. Well, for what it's worth, in the above quote, the "system" called "Agartha" is that of underground bases purportedly created by deceptive ancient Earth humans, so "Agartha" *is* directly associated with "extremely deceptive" beings who helped (and why not used) the Nazis. That pretty much sounds to me like tainting the noun and notion "Agartha" by equalling it with unreliable tricky liars. If you just follow the grammar of sequences, it is indeed more than "sounds like", it's quite literally spelled out.

    It is easy for people reading these Q&A, who wouldn't look further into "Agartha" and would feel no reason to do so, to take from this and stay with the impression that : "Agartha = extremely deceptive beings". The coverage and attention payed to the whole Blue Avian operation - and message - engages a whole lot of people who may never have heard of Agartha before and could just take GoodEt's word/association on it. It is only fair to bring this to notice.

    Anyhoo, and this *is* of worth : as the Natural Divine Living Soul that I am, as embodiment and representative of the Earth Human species, I stand with, as and for the Natural Evolutionary Timelines, un-highjackable by any force whatsoever, no matter how single-minded its intent nor how sophisticated its means. There's just no way for the cybernetic timeline to take hold - and succeed. Victory is for Life, sentient natural Life. Sorry AI.

    1. Right, we just have to keep building a natural timeline...

  9. I agree with Ailee and CP - I remember when I read this article from Dr. Salla. Although I have been informed about Agartha I suppose better then the average person, reading this particular part of the article startled me for a second. As Ailee states it is potentially misleading for individuals who do not know much or anything about this topic. I believe it was beneficial to clarify this as CP did. And again I also like (as Megan stated) to focus on love, forgiveness and service to others.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lol Roland obvious scam/spamming nice try it isnt going to work :) Contact point they're trying to fuck your webpage up! Your site seems to be under attack contact point!

    3. Attack! Man the turrets!

      I have left the comments open and unmoderated. I'm seeing how long I can do this for, just as an experiment.

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    Eu sou agente illuminati com associação, trago as boas novas para todos que aspiram por fama, longevidade, proteção, riqueza/riquezas/dinheiro e o que você tem. Eu sou um testemunho vivo, pois nasci em uma família muito pobre e tenho a aspiração de me tornar rico na vida, então um amigo me apresentou aos illuminati e eu digito. para encurtar a história no final da minha iniciação, eu foi dado $ 2.000.000,00 USD, Uma mansão em Washington, Um anel de proteção, um visto para viajar pelo mundo etc. desde então minha vida mudou para melhor e estou muito feliz. Por causa da minha devoção à irmandade, eles me fizeram um agente para trazer as pessoas à luz e enriquecer. Então é por isso que estou aqui para dizer ao mundo que o melhor lugar para se estar é o Illuminati. Eu quero rapidamente notar que me juntar aos illuminati é a melhor coisa que já me aconteceu. Eu imploro a todos vocês que estão lendo esta mensagem que se juntem a nós agora e se tornem ricos e protegidos. Para se tornar um membro, você pode enviar o capô diretamente para:
