Monday 13 July 2015

Bilocation Training Online Conference/Chat. Sunday 21st June 2015. 8pm California Time.

Agartha and Bilocation Online Conference: Sunday 19th July 

We'll be hosting an online text only discussion on Bilocation Training on Sunday, July 19th, 8pm California Time. The price is 10.70 USD. We need minimum 3 people for the conference to go ahead. This is a chance to ask questions about the art of Bilocation.  Contact Point and 1 or 2 other bilocators will be there. 

Click here to join


Conference duration is 90 minutes +. There will be time before and after for people to meet up. 

Places are limited to TEN people, to ensure everyone gets their questions answered. 

The conference will be structured as a free for all Q+A. Please read the bilocation information on the site beforehand, and have a look at Red Pill Oracle's powerful articles.  

Please use an anonymous handle in case we release the transcript. 

Suggested Topics:

 Projection to the other planes.
 Bilocation to music, the easiest way to start projecting.
 White noise, mantras and binaural beats for relaxation.
 Protection and navigation on the inner planes.
 Detox and clean diet. 
 Physical immunity and energetic immunity.
 Permission and Visa laws in the energetic world.
 How to build energy for more intensity while travelling.
 Online teachers and resources.

After paying, you will receive a receipt, and be given the link around Friday. 

See you there!

Click here to join


  1. Looking forward to it! Thanks for organizing.

  2. It's a pleasure. Thanks for coming!

  3. I would love to attend. This blog has such syncronicity in my life. Every once in a while I read something here and it's exactly the answer or recognition of what I am living right at that moment. I have been to so much places in my dreams. I know they are not just dreams, don't believe that anymore because I interact with people that seem real, places I couldn't possibly make up. The other night I was at the place I remember being several times before with some giant Thai style temples and some people I remember talking to before. I remember having the ability to fly and levitade things with my will. I flew over some pine tree forrest and landend by the entrance to a village. Some people walking around really happy and at ease. A girl passed by me and offered me a sweet stick to eat. I tried it and she laughed. I remember seeing a place like a Chinatown in this village with loads of fresh produce being sold at vends. It was really real. I have also been to the ships right outside of Earth's atmosphere. They looked like they bellonged in heaven. With transparent crystal like roofs and shining with light. And a world filled with rivers and swamps and trees. Everyone swimmed everywhere and lived on trees. Boats everywhere. I've been to this place a few times. My dreams are a sensation to me. Thank you.

  4. Loved hearing about your flying Peterpan! My husband is a "flier" too! We have had shared dreams we both remember in the morning of him giving me flying lessons. I'm not as good at it as he is, but I'm learning. It has a lot to do with remembering who you are, maybe you had wings! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for reading. I found out that most od the times I am able to float about up to 5 meters in the air. But in the rare ocasion I find myself free of mind I fly really high and fast. I was told once (by myself, talking to myself in the dream) that there are magnectic fields that keep most of us locked down here in Samsara, and also that "they" are very much aware of the ones of us that get out of line. Just this afternoon I was having a nap and my guides told me not to look down or in the surroundings, only look up and don't be afraid I will lose the "ability" to fly. I went about 5 miles up and then got afraid and eased myself down. The Arcturians are constantly talking to me, but I never get to see them, except when they appear as normal people. The other day I was hanging out with them in this Ethereal McDonalds somewhere. I feels like good friends. I know when I am dreaming about nothing at all, and I know when its a little more substantial. And I know the difference between other dreamers and just dream characters. The chars have no, well soul. I am happy to talk about this. Send my regards to your husband. Cheers.

    2. Hey Peter. I thought of you today as I came back from the market. Check out our new project, if you like. Also come and say hi on the Reddit if you want to help the development process.

      It might help if you used more paragraphs and line breaks. Your stories would fit on our bilocation thread.

  5. Sure will. Thank you for your kindness. Best regards. Junior

  6. Won't be able to make it. Been unemployed for 6 months, and my wife won't give me the money. I will be holding you in meditaion. With much love.

  7. You can come for free Peter. Just email me so I don't forget...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Too bad I can't join.. the time is difficult. Who knows next time. Good luck!

    1. We always time it for the Asians and Americans. Europe normally gets left out.... If there was more demand I could do a European conference.

      We have a bilocation mp3 coming out for free very soon. Im editing it now...
