Saturday 15 August 2015

Sacre Bleu, C'est Un Rage Quit!

Alt Media Drama Alert!:

Oh my! 

One of our French translators, un very important personne in the alt media scene, has finally flounced off the project after threatening multiple rage quits. 

This is a relief for all of us. Names shall be withheld for now. Suffice it to say, the co-operation was  a New Age nightmare, involving dozens of snubbed mails, covert power games, possible smear campaigns and all manner of fun.

If he wishes to talk about this publicly, he may do so, and then we can discuss the entire co-operation openly.

Until then, if anyone else wants to help Translate Contact With Agartha En Francais, please write to us. We have about 100 pages, left which will be spread among 2-4 people. There is no time limit or rush to get this done.

Bon Soir


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did the material clash with the belief system of this person?

  3. It's a long story Tim, it's not about the material...

  4. Thanks for asking BTW. I am just tired of this nonsense...

    1. No Problem! BTW you can tell your readers the story if you like without naming names!

    2. Even Just a short summary would suffice!

  5. Tim, I know both sides of this story, as I consider myself to be friends with both people. I know just enough to sympathize with both sides, but not enough to call B.S. on either party - or even both.

    I have seen this coming for several months. I still was unable to prevent it. Both sides needed to move on and stop working with each other. That is as much as I am willing to say. I just want this episode to end.

    1. Yes of course things like this happen all of the time for as much as, the alt media talks about unifying there is really no one I know who is actually doing that. In the final equation we all want true freedom some more than others but hopefully there is only smooth sailing from here on out. :)

    2. Biscuit I know you are sincere and helpful. Actually, you don't know both sides of the story, because I have only told you 10-20 per cent of what has gone on. Second, I need to put my side across, because I have no idea how many people The "Confederation of Gaia" have told their story to. If you have really seen this coming for "Several months" it might tell me that Untwine has been complaining about me behind my back for several months. I only opened up to you a few weeks ago IIRC. I could be wrong on this but I doubt it.

      I will release more info at my own pace. I understand that "Unity" is important, but I don't like this lightworker culture of silence and sweeping everything under the rug.

      I am not unified with anyone in the fake intel scene, because Wilcock, the Red Dragons, Keenan, Putin, the AIIB etc is a masked power grab to continue global government from the East.

      This will take a few more blog posts to clear up. I left you alone to resolve your disputes at your own speed.

      Lets focus on our other, positive project.

    3. Btw contact point I believe venting is healthy so vent go for it! Here is a real lesson in life taught to us by Mark Passio Mark explains why anger can actually be a positive thing used to make real world change watch it post it and make sure you never stop exposing new age bullshit! Embrace Natural law teach the trivium In essence if this conflict is really bothering you Call out the bullshit now and move on to better things. :)

    4. I like Mark Passio a lot, Tim. He is a kindred spirit. Shame I don't have more time to watch his vids.

      I think a little annoyance is healthy, but it should always be tempered with respect, and a little humour if possible.

      Thanks for those vids

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