Saturday 16 April 2016

Once Upon a Time. Big Disclosure?

There's more disclosure in OUAT than any show I've seen in 5 years. The series goes into aspects of our existence like parallel lives, the dream double and WHERE some of this is going on. Guaranteed (maybe?) to trigger some memories. While the intel jockeys were stringing us along, others were rubbing mysteries in our faces on primetime TV. Funny old world. 

Highly recommended. 


  1. “We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.”
    ― Terence McKenna

    1. There are many ancient myths that tell the same story. There's one about the gods conspiring about where to hide man's divinity.

  2. Maybe the most important Disclosure starts with us maybe the more we explore the inner planes the closer we will actually get Contact or Disclosure if you will. As many of you have surmised by now Disclosure is a fluid plan it does not happen just because a few certain individuals said it will the more we focus on the inner planes the quicker this will manifest and our true co creative consciousness will finally get in tune and the process will actually happen.

    1. Yes this is true, IMO. Disclosure is much more than an announcement by a western government that ET life exists. That may never happen in our lifetime (although it might), so I wouldn't waste time waiting for it. Only by taking care of our own destiny can we reach critical mass, whatever that is...
