Agartha and Bilocation Online Conference: Sunday 12th February, 2017.
We'll be hosting an online text only discussion on Bilocation Training and the Agartha Network on Sunday, Feb 12th, 8pm California Time. The price is 8 USD. We need minimum 3 people for the conference to go ahead. This is a chance to ask questions about the art of Bilocation, and about contact with the Agartha Network. Contact Point/Daozen and maybe 1 or 2 other bilocators will be there.
Conference duration is 90 minutes +. There will be time before and after for people to meet up.
Places are limited to TEN people, to ensure everyone gets their questions answered.
Joining is simple, just Paypal 8USD to smokethebird @, and your place will be reserved. We'll send out a chat link later.
The conference will be structured as a free for all Q+A. Please read the bilocation information on the site beforehand. We will do one or two online group meditations during the conference.
Please use an anonymous handle in case we release the transcript.
Suggested Topics:
General Agartha Network Q + A.
Bilocation to music, the easiest way to start projecting.
White noise, mantras and binaural beats for relaxation.
Protection and navigation on the inner planes.
Detox and clean diet.
Physical immunity and energetic immunity.
Physical immunity and energetic immunity.
Permission and Visa laws in the energetic world.
How to build energy for more intensity while travelling.
Online teachers and resources.
After paying, you will receive a receipt, and be given the link around Friday.
See you there!
I'm curious if it is still possible to acquire the "Contact with Agartha" book?