Thursday, 28 May 2015

Breaking Through the Financial Firewall #2: Microflow, First Draft


-Psychic Capital-

Food, Water, Farming, Nutrition, Reforestation. The Basic Needs of Civilization. 

Microflow is a partially decentralized fundraising system for 100USD and below that is fast, powerful, copiable and effective. It will be integrated with Bitcoin, the Yuan, the TWD and the US Dollar. (After more funds are released, this 100USD minimum could be increased.)

We are developing:

- An innovative capital raising method. Interested developers will pay a one time fee (10-20USD)to join the development log. This will pay for minimal development costs. I think I need about 1500-2000USD to develop this correctly. I won't do it if there's no interest.

- A presence in the East. In South China since 2007. Hong Kong since spring 2009. Taiwan since late 2011. A team of translators and specialists in Indonesia, Holland and America. As most people know, there is a strong White Hat financial presence in Taiwan. We have a strong team of translators that can translate into multiple languages quickly.

- Partially decentralized expansion. If you wish to mirror our site, and use our name, you can do so, and just pass on (around) 10 per cent of profits every month.

- A narrow focus on humanitarian projects. I believe Microfund solves all the infrastructure problems the larger funds are having with finding sincere people to finance. 

Current Problems for Large Scale Funders

- Too much paperwork/inbox overflow. We are limited beings, and can't handle more than 10-20 emails per day. Investors are frequently overwhelmed with submissions.

- Flakiness. A lot of submissions are badly written, unfocused and unrealistic.

- Greed, inefficiency. -A lot of people are asking for way too much money, and don't have a realistic cost breakdown. Microfund helps donors see where every penny goes.

- No accountability. - On Microflow you have to make a follow up video. Funders must make a video showing how they've spent the money. How can large scale funders check up on 100's of projects after money starts flowing? We will insist that fast-tracked funders use their full name, + photo in their pitch video.

- Sincerity. - Fundraisers will have a short bio, linking to blogposts and projects showing they attempted to create a humanitarian project in the past.

- Long Pitch Videos. - Our videos will cut out the fluff. No longer than 45 seconds. Fundraisers will get right to the point with their clip: i) Intro. ii) Who you are. iii) What you need. iv) What problem are you solving v) what does the product do?

A reductive focus on Food, Water, Farming, Nutrition, Reforestation and the Basic Needs of Civilization. 

Kickstarter helps us understand why there are very few defaults in the crowdfunding community:

"Because projects are usually funded by the friends, fans, and communities around their creators, there are powerful social forces that keep creators accountable. "


Pointless Projects are Banned

Large scale funders and the general public can donate through Microflow, knowing that it won't be wasted on cutsey gadgets and indulgent art projects. We are in an emergency humanitarian phase now. When money goes through Microfund, it will go to real products that can liberate us all. 


Hey Microfund, I'm Jana from Brazil, we're developing a small scale organic farm in Minas Gerais. We need 100USD for a new laptop to do our accounts. Thanks!!!

Hey Microfund, I'm Pete from Wisconsin, we need 100USD for some irrigation equipment, 100USD to set up a vertical growing rack, and 100USD for vehicle repairs. 


Subterranean Finance

We may call ourselves Agartha Fund, or the Telos fund, as we've earned the right to use those names. They are well known in high finance circles, and ears will prick up at the mere mention of those words. I have been talking to these banks, through intermediaries, since 2011. 


Help us Draft!

More later... By clicking the pirate pad link, you can read the second half, but be warned, it's a mess right now. Don't be afraid to jump in and help format if you have a few minutes spare. We are going to start delegating more, to avoid overwork.

Thanks for reading!



The Microflow concept can be proved relatively easily and simply by setting up a Meta-portal. That is, a crowdfunding blog with strict submission rules.

1) Projects for less than 100USD only (we may have two separate arms, one for less than 100USD, another for bigger projects).
2) A strict focus on water, food, farming, reforestation and other basic needs. 
3) Your pitch video must be less than 45 seconds.


The net is flooded with too many crowdfunding projects and blogposts clamouring for attention. Aggregators need to sort through and focus on the best projects. If they fund successfully, they can send us a 5 percent fee through paypal. Simple, quick, honest.  


You Can Help The Test Phase

1. Think of a way you can add value to the world: (Translating a document/researching an article. The focus must be on humanitarian projects.)

2. Ask us, in the comments section, to get clearance for the project. 

3. Set up a Pitch-In Widget or a campaign on (keep it less than 100USD to start)

4. Make a short video or write a document...saying: 1) Who you are. 2) What you want. 3) What problem are you solving. 4) What does the product or project do?

5. Set up a bio proving your track record. 

6. Let us put the project on our blog, and see if you get funded. 

NOTE: ​The other idea is to scrap the 100USD maximum idea, and run an aggregator blog that focuses on humanitarian projects only, calling it the Agartha Bank or something similar. I could set that up in 5 hours. 

Gofundme have raised 1 billion dollars. 


 The Coolest Looking Widgets Win In The Asian Crowdfunding World

We are developing a widget now. If you have any ideas, please get in touch. If you help us develop a widget, we cannot give a percentage of future profits, but you can join the development log for free, and the private Reddit group. Then set up your own localized mirror. We will probably not give out any more ideas in public as we need time to develop. 

NOTE: We do not consent to having our idea stolen by predatorial startups. We ask for the protection of the universe to give us the time to set this up. 

People have plagiarized our ideas before, but made key execution mistakes that ended up crashing their project. 


This is an early draft of a forthcoming document. It needs to be formatted, tidied, edited, proofread. If you can help improve it, or you have any thoughts, there is a piratepad here: 

Take care to copy paste frequently as our pads can get vandalized.



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